CV and Publications
Ph.D. History, University of California, Berkeley, December 1993
M.A. History, University of California, Berkeley, June 1988
B.A. Interdisciplinary Major: “Extraordinary Experience and Praxis” (History, Religion, Psychology), Pomona College. Cum Laude. June 1978
Dissertation: ”The Concept of the People and the Construction of Popular Political Culture in Sweden and Germany, 1800-1933.”
Committee: Gerald Feldman (Chair), Reginald Zelnik, Victoria Bonnell.
- Ersta Sköndal University College, Stockholm, Professor, Research Project Director, 2002 – Present
- Center for Criminology and Public Policy Research, Florida State University, Visiting Professor, 2008.
- Institute for The Study of Europe, Columbia University, Visiting Professor, 2003 – 2006
- University of Linköping, Sweden, Visting Professor and Graduate Student Advisor, 1999 and 2004
- Södertörn University College, Stockholm, Research Project, 1999 – 2004
- Barnard College, Columbia University, Assistant Professor, Department of History. 1994 – 2003
- University of Göteborg, Sweden, Assistant Professor, Department of History of Ideas and Science, and Research Fellow with the Center for Public Sector Research at the University of Göteborg. 1993 – 1994
+46-70 926 48 78
- With Henrik Berggren. Ist der Schwede ein Mensch?: Was wier von unseren nordischen Nachbarn lernen können und wo wir uns in ihnen täuschen. München: Btb Verlag, 2016.
- Folkuniversitetets roll i det civila samhället. Stockholm: Folkuniversitetet, 2015.
- With Kurt Almqvist and Viveca Ax:son Johnson (eds.). Non-profit och välfärden. Stockholm: Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse för allmännyttiga ändamål, 2013.
- With Susanne Wallman Lundåsen, Dag Wollebaek and Lars Svedberg. Den svala svenska tilliten: Förutsättningar och utmaningar. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 2013.
- With Per Selle, Lars Skov Henriksen and Hanna Hallin (eds.). Civilsamhället klämt mellan stat och kapital: Välfärd, mångfald, framtid. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 2013.
- With Nina Witoszek and Bron Taylor (eds.). Civil Society in the Age of Monitory Democracy. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2013.
- With Johan Vamstad. Att ge eller att beskattas. Avdragsrätt för gåvor till ideell verksamhet i Sverige och andra länder. Stockholm: Sektor3 – Tankesmedjan för det civila samhället, 2009.
- Tilliten i det moderna Sverige. Den dumme svensken och andra mysterier (ed.). Stockholm: SNS förlag, 2009.
- State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered (ed.). New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007.
- With Lars Svedberg (eds.). Det civila samhället som forskningsfält: nya avhandlingar i ett nytt sekel [Civil Society as a Field of Research: New Dissertations in a New Century]. Stockholm: Gidlunds, 2006.
- With Henrik Berggren. Är svensken människa: gemenskap och oberoende i det moderna Sverige [Is the Swede Human: Autonomy and Community in Modern Sweden]. Stockholm: Norstedts, 2006.
- After National Democracy: Rights, Law and Power in America and the New Europe (ed.). Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004.
- With Nina Witoszek (eds.). Culture and Crisis: the Case of Germany and Sweden. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books 2002, paperback 2004.
- Empowerment och egenmakt [“Empowerment and individual rights”]. Stockholm: Timbro, 2000.
- Patientmakt i Sverige, USA och Holland: Individuella kontra sociala rättigheter [”Patient Rights in Sweden, the US, and Holland”]. Stockholm: Spri, 1999.
- Bemäktiga Individerna: Om domstolarna, lagen och de individuella rättigheterna i Sverige [”Empowering Individuals: On the Courts, the Law, and Individual Rights in Sweden.”]. SOU 1998:103. Stockholm: Fritzes, 1999.
- Civilt Samhälle kontra Offentlig Sektor [“Civil Society vs. the Public Sector”]. (ed.). Stockholm: SNS, 1995.
- “Sweden – a model of leftwing nationalism?” in Nordiques 33 Printemps, 109-114, 2018.
- “Commentary: The Politics of Distrust” in Journal of Civil Society, 9:1, 2013.
- “Rethinking the Nordic welfare state through a neo-Hegelian theory of state and civil society”. in Journal of Political Ideologies, 15: 3, 227—239, 2010.
- ”Commentary: Incentives and Conditions Shaping civil Society” in Journal of Civil Society 6:2, 185-187, 2010.
- ”Det civila samhällets karriär som vetenskapligt och politiskt begrepp i Sverige” in Tidskrift for samfunnsforskning 4, 2008.
- “Litigation, Social Trust, and Individual Empowerment: Can they Co-exists?” (with Anthony Sebok), in ms. 2008.
- “Minority Rights and Local Self-government: Swedish Democratic Governance in the Age of Rights Talk” in Stockholm Studies in Democratic Theory 2, 2006.
- “History of the Concept of the People” in The International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier Science Limited, 2001.
- “Nationalism, Individualism, and Capitalism: Reply to Greenfeld,” Critical Review 10, no. 3 (Summer 1996).
- “Bortom det sociala kontraktet” [“Beyond the Social Contract”], Res Publica 1995: 30.
- “Svensk modell eller svensk kultur” [“Swedish Model or Swedish Culture”], Tvärsnitt 1992:2.
- “Historikerna och Språket” [“Historians and Language”], Historisk Tidskrift 1990: 3 (with Henrik Berggren).
- “Swedish Model or Swedish Culture?,” Critical Review, 4, no. 4, (Fall 1990).
- “The Crisis of the European Union: Opportunity or Graveyard for a European Civil Society?” in Anna Meeuwisse and Roberto Scaramuzzino (eds.), Europeanization in Sweden: Opportunities and Challenges for Civil Society Organizations. New York: Berghahn Books, 2019.
- “Den icke-vinstdrivande välfärdsproduktionens förutsättningar i Sverige” in Ola Segnestam Larsson (ed.), Upphandlad: Forskarperspektiv på offentlig upphandling av ideell vård och omsorg. Stockholm: Idealistas förlag, 2019.
- “Granskningssamhället i högtillitslandet Sverige” in Louise Bringselius (ed.), Styra och leda med tillit: Forskning och praktik. Tillitsdelegationen, SOU 2018:38.
- “Scaling up Solidarity from the National to the Global: Sweden as Welfare State and Moral Superpower” in Nina Witoszek and Atle Midttun (eds.), Sustainable Modernity: The Nordic Model and Beyond. London: Routledge, 2018.
- “Värderingskollisioner: Därför är Sverige klansamhällets absoluta motpol” in Per Brinkemo and Johan Lundberg (eds.), Klanen: Individ, klan och samhälle från antikens Grekland till dagens Sverige. Stockholm: Timbro förlag, 2018.
- “Tilliten i Sverige: förutsättningar och hotbilder” in Peter Örn (ed.), Leda med tillit. Stockholm: Idealistas förlag, 2017.
- ”Vi är fångar i arbetslinjen” in Siri Steijer (ed.), Pengar för ingenting. Stockholm: Timbro förlag, 2017.
- ”Democracy in the Blood: How Nationalism Enabled a Project of Radical Individual Freedom in Sweden” in Kurt Almqvist (ed.), Nation, State and Empire. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2017.
- ”Sweden, a Moral Superpower in Crisis: Historical Roots and Contemporary Challenges” in Kurt Almqvist and Louise Belfrage (eds.), Images of Sweden: Past and Present Perspectives from Austria. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2017.
- ”Welfare State Nationalism and the Crisis of European Social Democracy” in Kurt Almqvist and Isabella Thomas (eds.), The Future of the Welfare State. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2017.
- “Between Two Models of Solidarity: Sweden, the Welfare State and Globalization” in András Simonyi and Debra L Cagan (eds.), Nordic Ways. Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2016.
- “Statist individualism: the Swedish theory of love and its Lutheran imprint” in Joel Halldorf and Fredrik Wenell (eds.), Between the state and the eucharist: Free Church theology in conversation with William T. Cavanough. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2014.
- “Why is the “New” Swedish Model Attractive to Both Left and Right?” in Kurt Almqvist and Alexander Linklater (eds.), Images of Sweden II. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2013.
- “The Historical Incubators of Trust in Sweden: From the Rule of Blood to the Rule of Law” in Marta Reuter, Filip Wijkström and Bengt Kristensson Uggla (eds.), Trust and Organizations: Confidence across Borders. New York: Palegrave Macmillan, 2013.
- “Det civila samhällets välfärdstjänster – Sverige i ett jämförande perspektiv” in Hans Swärd (ed.), Vägar till välfärd: idéer, inspiratörer, kontroverser, perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber, 2013.
- “Social Trust and Religion in Sweden: Theological Belief Versus Social Organization” in Joep de Hart, Paul Dekker and Loek Halman (eds.), Religion and Civil Society in Europe. New York/Heidelberg/London: Springer, 2013 (with Susanne Wallman Lundåsen).
- ”Statsindividualismen och civilsamhället” in Lars Trägårdh, Per Selle, Lars Skov Henriksen and Hanna Hallin (eds.), Civilsamhället klämt mellan stat och kapital: Välfärd, mångfald, framtid. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 2013.
- “Inledning: civilsamhället klämt mellan stat och kapital” in Lars Trägårdh, Per Selle, Lars Skov Henriksen and Hanna Hallin (eds.), Civilsamhället klämt mellan stat och kapital: Välfärd, mångfald, framtid. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 2013 (with Per Selle, Lars Skov Henriksen and Hanna Hallin).
- “Associative democracy in the Swedish welfare state” in Lars Trägårdh, Nina Witoszek and Bron Taylor (eds), Civil Society in the Age of Monitory Democracy. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2013.
- “Introduction” in Lars Trägårdh, Nina Witoszek and Bron Taylor (eds), Civil Society in the Age of Monitory Democracy. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2013 (with Nina Witoszek).
- “The Iron Law of Rights: Citizenship and Individual Empowerment in Modern Sweden” in Adalbert Evers och Anne-Marie Guillemard (eds.), Social Policy and Citizenship. The Changing Landscape. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 (with Lars Svedberg).
- “Democracia asociativa desde abajo: el gobierno democratic ‘estilo nórdico’” in Victor Pérez-Díaz (ed.) Europa ante una crisis global. Madrid: FAES, 2012.
- “Adversarial Legalism and the Emergence of a New European Legality: A Comparative Perspective” in Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas and Martha Merril Umphrey (eds.), Imagining New Legalities: Privacy and Its Possibilities in the 21st Century. Stenford University Press, 2012.
- “Det borgerliga samhällets återkomst” in Filip Wijkström (ed.), Civilsamhället i samhällskontraktet: En antologi om vad som står på spel. Stockholm: European Civil Society Press, 2012.
- ”Tillitens historiska vagga: Från blodshämnd till ’land ska med lag byggas’” in Marta Reuter et al. (eds.), Vem i hela världen kan man lita på?. Stockholm: PWC and Studentlitteratur, 2012.
- ”Utmaning: Individens ställning i det framtida välfärdslandet” in Jesper Strömbäck (ed.) Framtidsutmaningar: Det nya Sverige. Stockholm: Volante, 2012.
- “The Mysteries of a Pippi Longstocking Economy: Radical Individualism in the Land of Social Trust” in Kurt Almqvist & Alexander Linklater (eds.), Images of Sweden. Stockholm:Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2011.
- “Rethinking the Position of Civil Society in the Nordic Social Contract: Social Trust and Radical Individualism” in Filip Wijkström and Annette Zimmer (eds.), Nordic Civil Society at a Cross-Roads: Transforming the Popular Movement Tradition. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2011.
- “Pippi Longstocking: The Autonomous Child and the Moral Logic of the Swedish Welfare State” in Helena Matsson and Sven-Olov Wallenstein (eds.), Swedish Modernism: Architecture, Consumption and the Welfare State. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2010 (with Henrik Berggren).
- “Contested notions of Civil Society” in Heidi Moksnes and Mia Melin (eds.), Power to the People?: (Con)-Tested Civil Society in the Search of Democracy. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 2010.
- “Finanskrisen och frågan om människans natur” in Filip Wijkström (ed.), Idéer för framtiden: Tankar på vägen in i det nya sparbankslandet. Stockholm: Sparbanksakademin, 2010 (with Torbjörn Fagerström).
- “Social Trust and Radical Individualism: The Paradox at the Heart of Nordic Capitalism” in The Nordic Way. Global Utmaning: Stockholm, 2010 (with Henrik Berggren).
- ”Från folkrörelse till civilsamhälle: Staten och samhället i det moderna Sverige” in Johan von Essen (ed.), Det svenska civilsamhället – en introduktion. Stockholm: Forum för Frivilligt Socialt Arbete, 2010.
- ”Den dumme svensken och allemansrättens magi” in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), Tilliten i det moderna Sverige. Den dumme svensken och andra mysterier. Stockholm: SNS förlag, 2009.
- “Unga, civilsamhälle och välfärd” in Ungdomsstyrelsen, Fokus 07: an analys av ungas hälsa och utsatthet. Stockholm: Fritzes, 2008 (with Lars Svedberg).
- “Introduction” in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered. London and New York: Berghahn Books, 2007.
- “The ‘Civil Society’ Debate in Sweden: The Welfare State Challenged” in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered. London and New York: Berghahn Books, 2007.
- “Democratic Governance and the Creation of Social Capital in Sweden: The Discreet Charm of Governmental Commissions,” in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered. London and New York: Berghahn Books, 2007.
- “The State and Civil Society in an Historical Perspective” in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered. London and New York: Berghahn Books, 2007 (with Bo Rothstein).
- ”Introduktion” in Lars Svedberg and Lars Trägårdh (eds.), Det civila samhället som forskningsfält: nya avhandlingar i ett nytt sekel [Civil Society as a Field of Research: New Dissertations in a New Century]. Stockholm: Gidlunds, 2006 (with Lars Svedberg).
- ”Från SSU:s folkrörelser till Timbros civilsamhälle” in Håkan A Bengtsson (ed.), I rörelse: en bok om folkrörelserna och demokratin [”In Motion: A Book about Popular Movements and Democracy”]. Stockholm: Premiss, 2006.
- “Introduction” in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), After National Democracy: Rights, Law and Power in America and the New Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004.
- “The Juridification of Politics in the United States and Europe: Hostorical Roots, Contemporary Debates and Future Prospects” in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), After National Democracy: Rights, Law and Power in America and the New Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004 (with Michael Delli Carpini).
- “Introduction” in Lars Trägårdh and Nina Witoszek (eds.), Culture and Crisis: the Case of Germany and Sweden. London and New York: Berghahn Books 2002, paperback 2004 (with Nina Witoszek).
- “Crisis and the Politics of National Community: Germany and Sweden, 1933-2000” in Lars Trägårdh and Nina Witoszek (eds.), Culture and Crisis: the Case of Germany and Sweden. London and New York: Berghahn Books 2002, paperback 2004.
- “Nationalstatsparantesen och demokratins förutsättningar” in Erik Amnå and Lars Ilshammar (eds.), Den gränslöse medborgaren: en antologi om en möjlig dialog. Stockholm: Agora, 2002.
- “Welfare State Nationalism: Sweden and the Specter of ‘Europe’” in Lene Hansen and Ole Wæver (eds.), European Integration and National Identity: The Challenge of the Nordic States. London and New York: Routledge, 2001.
- “Utopin om den sociala ekonomin” [“The Utopia of the Social Economy”] in Filip Wijkström and Tom Johnstad, Om kooperation & social ekonomi. Stockholm: Föreningen Kooperativa Studier, 2000.
- “Det civila samhället som analytiskt begrepp och politisk slogan” [”Civil Society as analytical concept and political slogan”] in Erik Amnå, Civilsamhället. Stockholm: Fritzes, 1999.
- “Statist Individualism: On the Culturality of the Nordic Welfare State,” in Bo Stråth and Øystein Sørensen (eds.), The Cultural Construction of Norden. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1997.
- “Egenmaktens betingelser i Sverige” [“On the Prospects for the Empowerment of the Individual in Sweden”] in Anders Anell and Per Rosén (eds.), Valfrihet och jämlikhet i vården. Stockholm: SNS, 1996.
- “Svenskhet och civilitet” [“Swedishness and Civility”] in Lars Trägårdh (ed.), Civilt Samhälle kontra Offentlig Sektor. Stockholm: SNS, 1995.
- “Varieties of Volkish Ideologies” in Bo Stråth (ed.), Language and the Construction of Class Identities. Gothenburg: Gothenburg University Press, 1990.